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Season 7 (20)

vu Amun-Ra >> chủ nhật tháng 1 26 - 10:10
Nice, even with 5 human teams in the league :)
Of course, the gap with the bots will only increase since they don't really improve that fast as us human teams do.
vu Amun-Ra
Ma mới
Đăng ký2013-04-09
vu Amun-Ra >> thứ hai tháng 1 27 - 23:05
2 gks injured in crucial game

this game needs some tweaking in decoding.

Tomorrow I will field a 19y old team out of protest!!!
vu Amun-Ra
Ma mới
Đăng ký2013-04-09
ro Funky Grandma >> thứ ba tháng 1 28 - 00:56
Well, if I were you I'd post it so that Vince can see it, but play my chances. You can still win the league even in the last match!
ro Funky Grandma
Người dùng
Đăng ký2013-03-28
be Alagesia >> thứ ba tháng 1 28 - 17:25
You just gave away the championship, Pepe.
You shouldn't of done that.
be Alagesia
Người dùng
Đăng ký2013-10-01
vu Amun-Ra >> thứ tư tháng 1 29 - 01:46
I dont really care about the championship anymore after that match. 2 games Ive had where I lost both my gks.

And this way we are with 3 human teams who can try their chances in Europe. :)

Im gonna try to get rid of all my +21y olds, even Eryk Mlekodai, my star player. I'm drawing the card of the future. If I sell all my older guys I'll have money for upgrading my YC. Im building stadium level 4 btw =D

Next season is one for the youth
vu Amun-Ra
Ma mới
Đăng ký2013-04-09