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英語 >> 問題

Staff (3)

eng howie123 >> 週一 二月 6 - 10:08

I've just hired another staff member and was hoping to use him to double up on my training facility but when I select the re-assign option I can only assign him to facilities where I don't currently have a staff member assigned. I can see teams in my league have 2 staff members assigned to facilities when they don't have some on others. Is there something I'm doing wrong ?

eng howie123
eng Hawarden Rangers
il Numpty >> 週一 二月 6 - 10:24, 新編輯 週一 二月 6 - 10:25

Yes, you need to have one in the office before you can double staff somewhere else.


il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
eng howie123 >> 週一 二月 6 - 22:33

ah ok thanks Numpty

eng howie123
eng Hawarden Rangers