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英語 >> 問題

cancel construction (3)

eng piran'a >> 週三 九月 13 - 21:40

The help page says constructing a facility ( except YA11+ and TA11+) is approved only when the board knows that the financescan support it and that YA 11+ and TA11+ can be downgraded.

Is there a way to cancel or suspend construction ?

There is a button to Terminate Special Training. Do you only  lose the time spent or does the player lose the experience used to start the training?

eng piran'a
eng Chichester City
il Numpty >> 週三 九月 13 - 22:05, 新編輯 週三 九月 13 - 22:06

1.) As far as I know there is no way to cancel construction after they've started.

Also be very careful you don't experiment with this by hiring and firing construction managers, because there's a bug that can ruin your game. 

2.) If you terminate special training I believe that you get back the xp and only lose the time spent on the training. 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
eng piran'a >> 週三 九月 13 - 22:10

Thank you Numpty

eng piran'a
eng Chichester City