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英語 >> 建議

已鎖定 U21 or U20 National Teams? (3)

lv Tamaz >> 週一 八月 5 - 21:33
How about U21 or U20 National teams? :)

it wud be nice to play youngster world cup and other games with u21 or u20 :) with u prefer.

but there cud be one problem..there is too many National teams..even National teams without any users in that country..
so it cud be impossible to add such as Youth Natioanl teams..
lv Tamaz
lv Football Club Skonto
lv Kristiāns >> 週一 八月 5 - 21:39, 新編輯 週一 八月 5 - 21:39
Someone mentioned today (in other thread) that U21 national teams is only a matter of time and that devs would like to finish working with main NT's first.
lv Kristiāns