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英語 >> 問題

What happens when a transfer isn't accepted or rejected? (3)

nl Losing >> 週四 十二月 6 - 05:37, 新編輯 週四 十二月 6 - 05:37

Hey! This is the first time it might be relevant for me, but the seller of a player hasn't been online for over a day and if they don't come online within 5 hours the deadline to accept my bid (lower than asking price) has passed:

"All bids are below the asking price. If no higher bid is made, the selling team can decide whether or not to accept the highest bid.

The team manager has until Today - 11:47 to respond."

This doesn't say what happens when no decision is made, just when they have to decide. Does the player just get returned to their squad?

nl Losing
ca Alex Seymour >> 週四 十二月 6 - 06:09

If the manager doesn't log in or leaves it so 'no decision is made', the transfer does not happen and he stays with the original squad.

ca Alex Seymour
ca Hamilton FC
nl Losing >> 週四 十二月 6 - 06:33

Thanks! Let's just hope they log in then, I assume they wanted to sell the player with it being on the transfermarket and all that tongue-out

nl Losing