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英語 >> 問題

juvenile (2)

co JurgenLevi >> 週二 五月 28 - 05:33
https://rockingsoccer.com/es/futbol/info/player-1933449 What do you think of this youth? that it would be better to train him than to play in the sub 21 team, give it in transfer or the player is not worth it and it is better to sell it?
my other question would be, how can you identify a good ?juvenile

Thanks for the help
co JurgenLevi
il Numpty >> 週二 五月 28 - 06:12, 新編輯 週二 五月 28 - 06:15

A YC 8 supertalent, but also seems a little bit old for YC 8. 

At your development level, he's probably worth more to you by selling him at some point.

The problem is you don't have the training facilities to get the best out of him either as a player or by training and then selling. If you sell soon you should get a good price, or you may get more by selling him to the bank in another 3 seasons.  

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets