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英語 >> 問題

Minimum price (4)

rs John James Giba >> 週二 十二月 31 - 01:09, 新編輯 週二 十二月 31 - 01:09

I never did understand why in the help file it said: "The initial price you can ask for your players depends on the market value of your player. You always needs to ask at least 33% of the market value" but with my players is impossible go under the 50%. Maybe something changed ?

rs John James Giba
nl Counter_Culture >> 週二 十二月 31 - 08:16, 新編輯 週二 十二月 31 - 08:16

It depends on the player's transfer status:

"Players with a transfer status are shown in a separate table under the transfer list in the scout office. If a player is available for transfer other managers can make enquiries for at least 80% of the market value of the player. If the player is marked as "not needed by club" then other managers can make enquiries for 33% of the market value. All enquiries must be manually accepted before the player is put on the transfer list."

nl Counter_Culture
il Numpty >> 週二 十二月 31 - 09:31, 新編輯 週二 十二月 31 - 09:54

The Help is still misleading though.  

As far as I can see "You always needs to ask at least 33% of the market value" is not true. 

This implies that you can list them at that price. Which you can't. Unless I'm missing something

The fact that the transfer status can be set so that other managers can make enquiries for 33% is not the same thing.  

You can also only list them at 50% once you go above a certain value. For players below the bank value the minimum list price is 80%. This should all be made clearer in the Help. 

This is what I understand to be the case:

Minimum Initial Listing Price

  • 80% of the market value (MV) if below the maximum bank value of $25 million RSD.
  • $25 million RSD if this is between 50% and 80% of the MV. 
  • 50% of the MV if greater than the maximum bank value. 
il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
rs John James Giba >> 週二 十二月 31 - 09:51



rs John James Giba