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英語 >> 問題

transfermarket - language (5)

lu Smooker >> 週六 一月 25 - 17:56


its not about my team, but why has a dutch team not the same language like the dutch player...?

i lost so today a player too, because a player with french language should have not the same language like my team from luxembourg, but they are speaking nearly to 100% french in luxembourg and so a team from spain won the auction...

if the language is so importent for an auction, then it should be importent for rockingsoccer too to take the correct languages for each country...

lu Smooker
lu Go Ahead Eagles Beaufort
co YHblack >> 週六 一月 25 - 18:16

the problem isn't the communication in the country, it's the communication with the team's players, that's why it's most important the players' language than the country's language

co YHblack

This is one part I neglect sometimes in this game but is somehow important, I don't know if there are two types of English speaking player's, or french player's in this game.

I have a bid now country NO language NO.

but I have one player from same country/language and two player's with same language, which make up three player's with same language, why NO on language/country now. 

lv Namejs >> 週日 一月 26 - 08:35, 新編輯 週日 一月 26 - 08:36

You need 2 players for country and 4 for language if memory serves me correctly.

EDIT: You can hover mouse over NO to see condition.

lv Namejs
lv Taurupes Dusmīgie Bebri


ok 4 for language, too many anyway.

I use mobile
