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英語 >> 建議

Slider-Based system to pay injury costs (3)

eng holt >> 週一 五月 17 - 08:09

In majority of the cases, you would only want the player back for certain match and so paying for his injury to be reduced by say 50% makes no sense.

For example, today is the 17th of May. You have a player who is injured for 12 days(as in injured on 17th afternoon, unaided recovery by 29th afternoon). Paying the recovery fee will ensure that he is fit by 23rd May, but what if you do not require him to be back by then? ie. what if you're playing an important match on the 26th and you want him back only by then?

This feature would allow you to decide what percentage of the injury time will be decreased, and accordingly the recovery fees will be adjusted.

eng holt
il Numpty >> 週一 五月 17 - 08:50

Good idea.

I get around this problem by leaving the player for a few days and then paying the reduced healing costs when he's needed.

But it's a real nuisance getting the timing right and your suggestion would make this so much easier.

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
eng Yid >> 週一 五月 17 - 08:52

Good suggestion but i fear you are just wasting your time as nothing is going to change.

eng Yid
eng Tottenham Hotspur FC