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英語 >> 問題

Transfer (3)

in viktor >> 週日 七月 4 - 20:08

Do loaned players count towards the minimum required 18 man main squad?

in viktor
in Air FC
eng Stephen >> 週日 七月 4 - 20:22, 新編輯 週日 七月 4 - 20:23

No, they don't. You need 18 of your own players to meet the minimum level needed.

Perhaps an example might be easier? If you have only 18 of your own and one loan player, you will not be able to sell someone from your first team squad.

eng Stephen
eng Seaburn Beach
in viktor >> 週一 七月 5 - 02:36

Thank you Stephen

That's exactly what I was planning to do :)

in viktor
in Air FC