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Английский >> Предложения

National teams u19 and u21 (15)

tr Hasan >> Воскресенье Июнь 16 - 17:15

Hi. For a long time there has been no innovation in the game. For national teams, teams u21 and u19 can be added. In this way, many managers become the National Team coach and the players get more experience.

How does such an update happen?
tr Hasan
tr Amasyaspor FK
ro Andrei >> Воскресенье Июнь 16 - 17:41
U21 National Teams ... This has been suggested before and dismissed, I'm afraid.
ro Andrei
tr Hasan >> Воскресенье Июнь 16 - 17:50

An update to the game is a must. (My opinion)

tr Hasan
tr Amasyaspor FK
ro Andrei >> Воскресенье Июнь 16 - 18:20, Отредактирован Воскресенье Июнь 16 - 18:22
Vincent said he wouldn't be making U21 national teams. It's been a while since he said that. Not sure if he changed his mind since then or not.

I am not disagreeing with the fact that the game needs an update. Just stating a fact.
ro Andrei
pl Tech Noir >> Понедельник Июнь 17 - 08:33

Sorry for offtopic but what about city teams? Players born in the same city would play in the same team. Just like it is in footstar. 

pl Tech Noir
ro Andrei >> Понедельник Июнь 17 - 17:21
We don't actually know in which city the player was born, do we?
ro Andrei
tr Hasan >> Понедельник Июнь 17 - 18:45

Tech Noir,

The idea of ​​National Team U21 is more realistic, I think. :)
tr Hasan
tr Amasyaspor FK
cl payasi >> Понедельник Июнь 17 - 18:50

U20 actually

cl payasi
cl CSD Colo-Colo
ro Andrei >> Понедельник Июнь 17 - 19:51

Then try and convince Vincent to change his mind.
ro Andrei
il Numpty >> Понедельник Июнь 17 - 20:24

Firstly, I agree that the game needs some more innovation. 

Regarding the U21 idea I would have 2 main concerns.

1. How many people would actually want to be an U21 manager? I just can't see much of a reason why people would want to do it.

2. Extra experience for the best U21s (those good enough for the NT)  would see them become even better players and therefore widen the gap even further between the top teams and everyone else. I very much doubt that would benefit the game.

More innovation, yes.  But I'd rather see any further development being for the benefit of the majority of managers and not for the few clubs at the top of the game. 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
eng Stephen >> Понедельник Июнь 17 - 20:38

I share some of Numpty’s concerns. There are plenty of NTs who only find a manager through the lottery system and it is rare indeed for there to be a vote for any country. I think I was entitled to vote in 10 or more elections last time round and there wasn’t a single one of those with more than one candidate. Adding U21 teams would either mean more for the NT manager to do or need another host of managers to take charge.

I would also be concerned about cheating. Some managers seem to think that NTs are for the development of their own or their friends’ players. Adding another layer of teams that would allow this seems a bad idea.

eng Stephen
Главный администратор
eng Seaburn Beach
tr Hasan >> Понедельник Июнь 17 - 22:54


Stephen answered the first question. I think the same way. :)

You are right in the second question, but a solution can be produced.

If the manager of the u21 teams is determined by lottery, no cheating is allowed.
tr Hasan
tr Amasyaspor FK
ro Andrei >> Вторник Июнь 18 - 17:41
Yes, that's also the policy for the senior National Teams. And there are cases of cheating there. So who's to say people won't be cheating with the junior National Teams too?
ro Andrei
pl Tech Noir >> Вторник Июнь 18 - 22:26

@Andrei Well actually we do know. Every manager needs to choose city for club. So the place of birth will be that one chosen for club by manager. 

pl Tech Noir
ee onuelver >> Четверг Июнь 20 - 20:48

It was not very long time ago when it was discussed again. There was nice sugestion that u21 NT matches should not give any xp- so only goal is to achieve maximal results with available lineup and no reason to push some random crap happened to shortlist to first team because his club's manager has his NT. 

It would make communities to pay more attention to youth development and less talents will be wasted. 

ee onuelver
ee Puka City Strikes Back