Hong Kong: Coefficient Ranking

Ranking listRanking list
TeamSeason 75Season 76Season 77Season 78Season 79(Season 80)Total
hk 將軍澳追夢者19.00018.00015.00016.00015.00017.000100.000
hk 武汉江腾19.00014.00020.00013.00010.00020.00096.000
hk Hong Kong United32.0005.00017.00012.50024.5003.50094.500
hk 大秦帝国20.00017.00010.0007.00015.00015.00084.000
hk Tsing Yu #52.00019.00014.50014.00021.0004.00074.500
hk Hong Kong Rangers FC12.000-6.00011.00016.00013.50058.500
hk AC米蘭14.50012.0005.0006.0000.50012.00050.000
hk Quanwan16.00013.500----29.500
hk Min ❤-2.000----2.000
Average coefficient16.813 (8)12.563 (8)12.500 (7)11.357 (7)14.571 (7)12.143 (7)

The league coefficient for a season is calculated by taking the average result of the teams in the champions league and continental league in that season. The total league coefficient is the sum of the coefficients of the last 5 seasons (excluding the current season).