Club Atletic Oradea 1910 ro

NameClub Atletic Oradea 1910
Managereng gk3spades offline
CountryRomania ro
StadiumIuliu Bodola, Capacity: 200,000
U21 squadYes
Leaguero League of Romania
Cupro Cup
Otherro U21 Youth Cup
Next match (all)Today - 06:18
ro Chindia Târgovişte vs. ro Club Atletic Oradea 1910 (League of Romania)
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Average best squad
The average best squad value is calculated by taking the keeper and the best 10 field players (regardless of position). It includes half of the youth bonus for U21 players.

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Player Hall of Fame

lt Gerardas KurmisKeeper5240096
ro Berény SjsiengelDefender4391340
si Toplica GrubačićMidfielder42110710
