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Inglés >> Preguntas

How long does a Youth Academy player stay? (12)

nl Orauw >> domingo junio 4 - 21:56
This has been asked before somewhere but I can't find it and I forgat what the answer was.
nl Orauw
rs Miroslav Karaicic >> lunes junio 5 - 00:52
I think it's about a calendar month.
rs Miroslav Karaicic
hr Eddie >> lunes junio 5 - 13:08
It's at least between two transfer windows. So if you pull a youth right after transfer window ends, you'll certainly be able to sell him in the next, before he disappears.

What's the longest period? I don't know, I never risked it. :)
hr Eddie
nl Orauw >> lunes junio 5 - 13:38
There is no room in my team for my 2 youth academy players, so that's why I asked. Luckily I'll be able to sell some players next transfer window and get my 2 youth players into my team.
nl Orauw
ee Taavi >> lunes junio 5 - 13:38
Eddie we are counting on you

Also do you get a message?
ee Taavi
Administrador del Foro
ee FC Pusa
nz Luke Broadcast >> lunes junio 5 - 18:55
Taavi give it a try with your next supertalent. Losing him wouldnt be worse that drawing FC Piece of Shit 0-0 at home...
nz Luke Broadcast
ee Taavi >> martes junio 6 - 00:05
man im so close to quitting now...this is too crazy

my vip ends in july...i might just dissapear that month
ee Taavi
Administrador del Foro
ee FC Pusa
hr Eddie >> martes junio 6 - 09:57
Transfer window is straight ahead, you can count on that. :)

As for message, I have no idea, never been in that situation.
hr Eddie
ro Andrei >> martes junio 6 - 13:33
There's no message, if you mean private messages. I was in that situation and I got no message, if I recall correctly. There was a message in the actual page listing the youth candidates, I believe? But no private message.
ro Andrei
rs Miroslav Karaicic >> martes junio 6 - 18:09
Beneath the 'offer contract' click it says 'this player will leave soon if no contract offered'. Probably it means a few days more, and if you do not click on the 'offer contract', this youth player is lost. And this appears about 26 - 30 days after the player came to your youth academy.
rs Miroslav Karaicic
nl Orauw >> martes junio 20 - 14:54, Editado martes junio 20 - 17:18
The player in my youth academy wasn't good enough and I didn't have room in my team. He left my youth academy today and he joined on the 21st of May. So 30/31 days (depends on if you count the 21st as 1 of the days).

(I got 3 more youth academy players during the transfer window, because I finished my youth academy and I got another youth player, so there were 5 players in my youth academy)
nl Orauw
ee Taavi >> martes junio 20 - 16:28
Orauw the brave!
ee Taavi
Administrador del Foro
ee FC Pusa