Foro: Inglés rss-feed

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Inglés >> Preguntas

U21 squad? (4)

lv Tamaz >> domingo julio 28 - 13:52
how to create a U21 squad?
i have already some U21 how can i join U21 league?
lv Tamaz
lv Football Club Skonto
au Mr Legs >> domingo julio 28 - 13:53, Editado domingo julio 28 - 13:55
Read this section of the help.

Matches are only scheduled a couple of days in advance, so once you meet the requirements and activate your squad, you should see some matches appear within a couple of days.
au Mr Legs
nir Chrescerya >> domingo julio 28 - 23:09
also if no U21 league exists for your country then you need to wait till next season to be created...

What happened to me and Carrickfergus in N-I
nir Chrescerya
ad Oderlods >> domingo julio 28 - 23:10
All can be found in the help page. You need at least 10 U21 players and then you will have to option to create your own u21 team.
ad Oderlods