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Inglés >> Preguntas

Player wages (6)

in Keju >> viernes agosto 27 - 10:05

I recently bid for a player whose yearly wages amount to around 13 million. I know it's not a massive amount but it got me wondering how the 'big teams' manage their wage bills and how the wages work (why they increase/decrease and how often).

in Keju
in Bengaluru FC
eng ipfreely >> viernes agosto 27 - 20:31, Editado viernes agosto 27 - 20:31

From Help:

Wages are fixed for a period of one season, though not necessarily starting and ending when the season ends. Whenever a contract of a player ends he will automatically receive a new, usually better, contract. If a player will be earning more money you will be informed about this. A player will never get a higher salary raise 50% per year, except when he is transfered.

Very high talents can, I think, have up to a 100% increase. Wages go up less, or decrease more (by up to 10%) as players get older; the crossover is at about age 27/28 for outfielders and a bit older for keepers usually.

Top teams have to farm players, or otherwise make big money on the TM, to maintain a high wage bill. Stadium 11 revenue is a big help, as is downgrading/keeping YC at a low level, or stockpiling cash before "tooling up" on top players.

eng ipfreely
vi Lollapa Losers
in Keju >> lunes agosto 30 - 06:20

How does a game determine how much wages go up?

if I stockpile XP will the wage increase be less or the same if I use it?

in Keju
in Bengaluru FC
eng Stephen >> lunes agosto 30 - 06:52

For normal players, it's experience gained that counts. Doesn't matter whether you spend it or not. It all counts to the wage the player earns.

For very old players such as GKs who are over 50, things are more complicated.

eng Stephen
Administrador Jefe
eng Seaburn Beach
il Numpty >> martes agosto 31 - 11:43

To be fair no-one knows exactly how the wages formula works. All we have to work with is what Vincent has previously posted and our own observations. 

Here's a summary of what I think are the relevant bits. 

  • Each player has a contract with a wage that is fixed for one season. When the contract expires (which can happen any time during the season) the new wage will be calculated using the new formula, with the following restrictions:

    - Players can lose at most 10% of their wage per season (new)
    - Players can gain at most 50% compared to their previous contract. (existing rule)
    - Exception: if the difference in wage is very big (more than 3 times the previous wage) players can gain 100% (new)

    These restrictions do not apply when a player is sold. After a transfer the player receives a new contract instantly with a new wage, even if this wage is much higher than the previous wage. 
  • Compared to the previous formula, a major change is that we now look at the total experience a player has received. This removes the difference in salary between players that are trained on one attribute and players that are more all-round. Experience that is earned but not spent on skills is now also taken into account.
  • It indeed will not matter for the wage whether you spend XP or save it. This solves a loophole where you could save up XP for young players to keep wages artificially low.
  • We raised the wage of keepers to make it closer to similar players on other positions. The experimental wages of field players have not changed since the previous update.
  • I'm confident that no one will go bankrupt from this change. (Hilarious now!)
  • The wages were increased intentionally. They aren't related to the market value so please don't discuss that in this topic. (Market value topic)

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
il Numpty >> martes agosto 31 - 12:13, Editado martes agosto 31 - 12:29

So here's my take on some of the detail. 

The wages take into account the players' position. Keepers wages are different to field players although it's not entirely clear whether outfield wages are all the same or if there are 3 different ones for defence, midfield and attack.

Different wages for different positions means that not all experience is treated equally. 

Wages don't increase forever and eventually start falling, so the total experience used for the calculation must be adjusted by the players' age, or most likely by the age factor.   

How does this work for keepers since the blocking skill is not linear? 

Wages do start increasing in very old players when they are valued as potential staff. Does this mean there is a separate wage structure for potential staff?

This is how I think it works:

  • Outfield players - total experience adjusted by the age factor. 
  • Keepers - total experience also adjusted by the age factor but not linear.
  • Potential staff - total experience earned, not adjusted by the age factor.

Bear in mind that total xp earned is not the only factor and the players' other attributes may all affect the wage calculation.

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets