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Engelsk >> Forslag

Sidder fast New special attributes (231)

pl MAT >> mandag juli 2 - 13:18, Rettet onsdag januar 2 - 08:45

Ranking vote list (special atributes) on JUNE:

1. [90%] Longevous

2. [80%] Talented

3. [60%] Energetic, Headstrong, Muscular, Long Passing, 

4. [50%] Jinx, Power Kick, 

5. [less than 50%] Charismatic, Fearful, Lubber,  Contemptuous, Power Kick, Mascot, Accustomed, Play Body, Tactic, Straw enthusiasm, Slowly, Short-sighted, Technical shoot, Black Sheep, Optimist, Pessimist, Bergain Hunter, Nasty, Envious, Neglectful, Tolerant, Foreseeing


Ranking vote list (special atributes) on JUNY:

1. [86%] Longevous

2. [71%] Talented

3. [64%] Energetic, Headstrong, Long Passing, 

4. [57%] Charismatic, Muscular, 

5. [50%] Play Body, Optimist, Power Kick, Jinx

6. [less than 50%] Tactic, Straw enthusiasm, Fearful, Lubber, Slowly, Short-sighted, Technical shoot, Contemptuous, Black Sheep, Pessimist, Mascot, Bergain Hunter, Accustomed, Nasty, Envious, Neglectful, Tolerant, Foreseeing


Ranking vote list (special atributes) on AUHUST (voted: 17):

1. [82%] Longevous,

2. [71%] Long Passing, 

3. [65%] Energetic, Talented, Headstrong, 

4. [59%] Muscular, 

5. [53%] Charismatic, Optimist, Power Kick, Jinx

6. [less than 50%] Play Body, Tactic, Straw enthusiasm, Fearful, Lubber, Slowly, Short-sighted, Technical shoot, Contemptuous, Black Sheep, Pessimist, Mascot, Bergain Hunter, Accustomed, Nasty, Envious, Neglectful, Tolerant, Foreseeing


Ranking vote list (special atributes) on OCTOBER (voted: 25):

1. [80%] Longevous,

2. [76%] Long Passing, 

3. [68%] Energetic, Talented, Headstrong, Muscular, 

4. [64%] Power Kick,

5. [60%] Play Body, Technical shoot, Optimist,

6. [56%] Charismatic, Pessimist, Jinx, Foreseeing

7. [52%] Contemptuous, Accustomed, 

8. [less than 50%] Tactic, Straw enthusiasm, Fearful, Lubber, Slowly, Short-sighted, Black Sheep, Mascot, Bergain Hunter, Nasty, Envious, Neglectful, Tolerant,


Ranking vote list (special atributes) on NOVEMBER 26 (voted: 28):

1. [82%] Longevous,

2. [79%] Long Passing, 

3. [71%] Talented, Muscular, 

4. [68%] Energetic, Headstrong, Power Kick,

5. [64%] Play Body, Technical shoot, Optimist, 

6. [61%] Charismatic,

7. [57%]Foreseeing,

8. [54%] Contemptuous, Pessimist, Accustomed, Jinx,

9. [50%] Mascot, 

10. [less than 50%] Tactic, Straw enthusiasm, Fearful, Lubber, Slowly, Short-sighted, Black Sheep, Bergain Hunter, Nasty, Envious, Neglectful, Tolerant,      


Ranking vote list (special atributes) on DECEMBER 12 (voted: 31):

1. [81%] Longevous,

2. [77%] Long Passing, 

3. [71%] Muscular, 

4. [68%] Talented,

5. [65%] Energetic, Headstrong, Optimist, Power Kick,

6. [61%] Play Body, Technical shoot,

7. [58%] Charismatic, Contemptuous,

8. [55%] Pessimist, Foreseeing,

9. [52%]Accustomed, Jinx,

10. [less than 50%] Tactic, Straw enthusiasm, Fearful, Lubber, Slowly, Short-sighted, Black Sheep, Mascot, Bergain Hunter, Nasty, Envious, Neglectful, Tolerant,  


Ranking vote list (special atributes) on JANUARY 2 (voted: 33):

1. [82%] Longevous,

2. [79%] Long Passing, 

3. [73%] Muscular, 

4. [67%] Talented, Headstrong,

5. [64%] Energetic, Technical shoot, Optimist, Power Kick,

6. [61%] Play Body,

7. [58%] Charismatic, Contemptuous, 

8. [55%] Pessimist, Foreseeing,

9. [52%]Accustomed, Jinx,

10. [less than 50%] Tactic, Straw enthusiasm, Fearful, Lubber, Slowly, Short-sighted, Black Sheep, Mascot, Bergain Hunter, Nasty, Envious, Neglectful, Tolerant,


Vote English forum will be end in 31 dec 2018

link vote:

pl MAT
dk Mystic Warrior Copenhagen
pl MAT >> tirsdag november 27 - 07:39, Rettet mandag december 3 - 15:44

calm - less often fouls, a more chance of winning a duel in the penalty area - natural

saltatory - with crossings has twice the chance of winning a heads duel, not applicable corners - natural

ritualist - each full match played gives +0.01 balls to the skills trainable - max 0.75 balls, does not apply to fixed. Pause in the match rhythm takes the entire bonus received, regardless of the reason. - natural

Savage - more chance for a yellow and red card, suspension for a red card 2-3 times longer, better tackle and fights better in duels, a large increase in the chances of an opponent's injury during the duel - natural.

Short Passing - greater chance of winning position for shot by short play (short passing) - natural or trainable?

Impatient - longer time without assist or goal, the more often try to cross or give shots - natural

Unconventional - Uses from one to three random special attributes. List random: Correct, Penalty specialist, Sprinter, Penalty stopper, Shielding, Corner stopper, Dribbler, Set pieces specialist , Setting walls, Playmaker/Winger, Man Marker, Sharpshooter, Versatile, Long shots, Poacher, Freestyler, Dirty, Intelligent, Determined, Aggressive, Selfish, Team player, Unpredictable, Roaming, Agile, Concentrated, Creative - natural

daredevil - he recive bonus for offensive skills when team play strategy: play to win, go for big win. Or penetly when play: Settle for draw, minimalize defeat - natural

Stoic - he recive bonus for defensive skills when team play strategy: Settle for draw, minimalize defeat. Or penetly when play: play to win, go for big win - natural

Chaotic - when playing a counter-attack or go for quick lead, do not receive a penalty - natural

aplomb - its effectiveness is not affected by tactics (always best possible), every minute without a goal in the match increases his shot during the match by 0.005 balls/min - natural

pretenders - If he is not the best player on the team, he gets 10% more experience from training and matches. Otherwise, 10% less. - natural

more special:

pl MAT
dk Mystic Warrior Copenhagen
us Karl >> søndag marts 29 - 08:37

I suggest a bilingual trait, making the player able to communicate more easily with team mates of another language.

us Karl
ar Ozzyto >> tirsdag august 4 - 19:29

Very interesting...

ar Ozzyto
ar Leonardo Cardozo >> onsdag august 5 - 01:47

Maby  interesting

ar Leonardo Cardozo
ar Diablo rojo