Πρωτάθλημα: Ακτή Ελεφαντοστού Σαιζόν 77

Αρ. γκολ

ls K. Katiyoci Earthmountain7439
sn S. Apithyci Wolf to death4937
mk S. Dzhorlevci Star Wars FC4235
at L. Gudelj ci Lord of the Ring3838
tr B. Birdalci ZMCLWR2938
ua Y. Strizhakovci Star Wars FC2333
ph M. Asurtoci Annan Athletic2037
ls T. Kagonaci The tiger returns1721
ci K. Gbedemaci Wolf to death1721
ci A. Abici ZMCLWR1534


ml U. Ahomadegbeci Earthmountain4037
sg T. Prachuabci Star Wars FC3335
lb Y. Abdeljililci Wolf to death3231
ci C. Lievremontci Wolf to death2732
sx D. Peckci ZMCLWR2234
th S. Samenemci Lord of the Ring2239
ci J. Severandci Earthmountain1834
th F. Samanaci Lord of the Ring1733
vi M. Hardestyci Hungaró FC981636
ls V. Ndabaci Earthmountain1534

Καθαρή εστία (Τερματοφύλακες)

ΠαίκτηςΟμάδαΚαθαρή εστίαΜ
ci A. Akpanci Star Wars FC2839
br R. Hilárioci Hungaró FC982439
de H. Schliefenci Lord of the Ring1725
cy N. Mavrokordatosci Annan Athletic1732
bn P. Sartikaci Earthmountain1319
pa T. Albidrezci FC Sainty839
ci M. Bendianci Wolf to death67
tw W. Phanci The tiger returns321
ug A. Eskenazici Star Wars FC22
ci R. Soallaci Annan Athletic28

Αριθμός κίτρινων καρτών

mg E. Mphahleleci Shandong Luneng2331
tc S. Reidci The tiger returns1431
cw A. Krulci The tiger returns1333
gh K. Dadieci Bouaké1335
ml P. Henardci Bouaké110
cn X. Jiangci The tiger returns1032
sx D. Peckci ZMCLWR1034
ci A. Oparakuci Shorttube Lycoris1036
ci G. Nianeci ZMCLWR830
lv F. Semjonovsci The tiger returns833

Αριθμός κόκκινων καρτών

au E. Lambci Shorttube Lycoris331
pa B. Dominguezci FC Sainty225
ci A. Aduamahci Star Wars FC10
bj I. Bazigheci Abidjan #311
ci N. Ankonilci Shandong Luneng17
tc S. Reidci The tiger returns131
ci D. Alabatouci Abidjan #3113
mg E. Mphahleleci Shandong Luneng131
mx G. Iruelaci Shandong Luneng136
ci A. Oparakuci Shorttube Lycoris136


bs R. Priddyci Bouaké236
pa T. Palominosci FC Sainty238
gw A. Zeci Abidjan #6239
hu Z. Mészárosci Annan Athletic127
ci M. Mendyci FC Sainty134
bf J. Lallementci Lord of the Ring135
kn W. Baldersonci ZMCLWR136
am L. Amalianci Shorttube Lycoris138
tw S. Hsuci Annan Athletic139
kz E. Mizourovci Abidjan #6139