Foro: Inglés rss-feed

Este es el foro de debate general en inglés. Cuando escribas una entrada en este foro, debes utilizar este idioma. Las entradas en otros idiomas pueden ser eliminadas sin aviso previo. Este foro se divide en subsecciones para entradas con temas y objetivos distintos. Por favor, escribe sobre los fallos (bugs) del juego en la sección de fallos; antes de escribir una entrada, medita en que subsección dónde debería estar tu entrada.

Inglés >> Preguntas

A question about the transfers (7)

it Echo >> domingo junio 9 - 22:18
If I ask a team to put a player on the transer list my bid will be consideredthe highest, OK?
If there are 5 bids then the time for bids will be delayed, and the price will be 25% higher. Higher than what? My first bid?
If there is at lest 1 more bid in the second round, what happened to my 1st, highest considered bid? It is cancelled or is it still valid and considered the highest?
it Echo
sco Scotland1983 >> domingo junio 9 - 22:23
if your bid was highest it is still valid thats my experiance anyway though you may need it increase it again to improve your odds:)
sco Scotland1983
it Echo >> lunes junio 10 - 07:57
OK thanks Scotland
it Echo
hu MacikaG >> lunes junio 10 - 09:38
No, if someone put a bid in new round, every other bid placed previous round cancelled. So, if you want to buy the player, you must place a bid again. The amount doesn't count, if you bid the minimum, your bid counts the highest because you asked the player. And this rule stands all (4) rounds.
hu MacikaG
Administrador del Foro
hu ⚽Ferencváros⚽
eng Kezza >> lunes junio 10 - 09:56
Yep.. I have the same understanding as MacikaG
eng Kezza
sg FlameTermite >> lunes junio 10 - 10:48
Agree with MacikaG
sg FlameTermite
it Echo >> lunes junio 10 - 15:07, Editado lunes junio 10 - 15:07
Oh thanks guys for these very detailed informations.
it Echo