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Inglés >> Competiciones

The FIRST World Cup!!! (197)

us ranks39 >> miércoles julio 31 - 01:26
The field is set for the first Rocking Soccer World Cup in the Netherlands(World Ranking in parentheses):

(1)Australia,(2)Netherlands,(3)Argentina,(4)South Korea,(5)Spain,(6)France,(7)Czech Republic,(8)Poland,(9)China,(10)Israel,(12)United States,(13)Bosnia and Herzegowina,(14)Ukraine,(15)Hong Kong,(16)Greece,(17)Costa Rica,(18)Morocco,(19)Estonia,(20)Japan,(21)Croatia,(30)Austria,(34)Venezuela,(35)Republic Of Ireland,(36)Singapore,(39)Bolivia,(40)Brazil,(42)Nigeria,(43)Tunisia,(48)India,(55)Sweden,(85)Indonesia, and (91)Puerto Rico.

us ranks39
ba Sir MB >> miércoles julio 31 - 12:21

Bosnian Dragons till the finals!
ba Sir MB
cn 电脑队: 这个球队是由电脑管理 >> jueves agosto 1 - 00:55
When the cup play?
cn 电脑队: 这个球队是由电脑管理
nz Tiety Kooistra >> jueves agosto 1 - 06:07
It will be played when all regular league's have finished season 4. in the between seasons period, before the start of the league of season 5
nz Tiety Kooistra
eng James >> jueves agosto 1 - 06:16, Editado jueves agosto 1 - 06:26
I am pleasantly suprised that Puerto Rico got in, as my keeper Ian Best is the reserve for their team. My 3 favorites are Israel, China and Argentina, but it is a wide open tournament so it will be very exciting!

Edit: Costa Rica are looking very strong as well but anybody can lose a match so it will be very exciting.
eng James
hu MacikaG >> jueves agosto 1 - 07:37
My top favourites are also China and Israel, and don't forget the home team Nederland.
hu MacikaG
Administrador del Foro
hu ⚽Ferencváros✵✵✵
cn 卷心菜 >> jueves agosto 1 - 07:47
can someone tell exactly which week the first round starts?
cn 卷心菜
nl Abe Bodaan >> jueves agosto 1 - 07:51
This will be awesome!!
nl Abe Bodaan
cw Meteora
hu MacikaG >> jueves agosto 1 - 08:01
Bullseye: the week beginning 26 of August.
hu MacikaG
Administrador del Foro
hu ⚽Ferencváros✵✵✵
es Archibaldo >> jueves agosto 1 - 08:18
First of all, congrats to all qualified team!

One question: Has any qualified team been playing international friendlies last week. Spain did not play any friendly during play-offs ...
es Archibaldo
es SC Felipe II
cn 电脑队: 这个球队是由电脑管理 >> jueves agosto 1 - 12:27
Japan also haven't any friendly match.
cn 电脑队: 这个球队是由电脑管理
au Mr Legs >> jueves agosto 1 - 14:17
Nope, no friendlies for Australia. Although, I did see my players unavailable due to NT duties at one stage.
au Mr Legs
ua BeerMan >> jueves agosto 1 - 14:49
Yeah, I had friendlies during play-offs.
ua BeerMan
il joest5 >> jueves agosto 1 - 14:57
Very strange. Israel played also one more friendly game at the playoffs days.

Israel is certainly a very strong team but i'm not sure that well enough balanced. We have an amazing midfielders but our goalkeeper is not one of the best and our forwards are not as good as in some other top contestants.
il joest5
us ranks39 >> jueves agosto 1 - 20:38, Editado jueves agosto 1 - 20:39
I would say favorites would have to be Argentina and Netherlands(obviously Australia, but I'm going with these 2). Both teams are very strong from top-to-bottom; looking through the teams, my "outsider" team that could go far is Bosnia-Herzegowina, they look very strong. I'm pulling for USA but I'm going in expecting nothing and hoping for the best! It should be a fun week when it finally rolls around!
us ranks39