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Inglés >> Sugerencias

Cerrado U21 league best scorers, assists (8)

si Makaveli >> miércoles agosto 14 - 15:17
It would be a nice feature if we could see who are the best scorers in U21 league. Now we can only see table with points, and some other stuff. It would also be great to see who made the most assists in U21 leagues. Anybody else thinking the same?
si Makaveli
ua Garfman >> miércoles agosto 14 - 15:31
Would be nice indeed, I agree.
ua Garfman
Administrador jefe de la comunidad
ph Garfman FC
lv Tamaz >> miércoles agosto 14 - 15:46
@ ajs1

well it cud be cool
to see the same statistic as Leagues does...
lv Tamaz
lv Football Club Skonto
si Makaveli >> miércoles agosto 14 - 16:04
It would realy be nice to see your young promising player on top of the list. :)
si Makaveli
pl Ace >> jueves agosto 15 - 21:57
I don't like the fact that for statistics count both goals scored both in adult league and in U-21 league. I think it should be split as well.
pl Ace
lv Tamaz >> lunes agosto 19 - 16:50
and how about
week - all star team?
lv Tamaz
lv Football Club Skonto
lv Tamaz >> lunes agosto 19 - 16:51
oh and...: best player of the week ? (form all league matches)
lv Tamaz
lv Football Club Skonto