Foro: Inglés rss-feed

Este es el foro de debate general en inglés. Cuando escribas una entrada en este foro, debes utilizar este idioma. Las entradas en otros idiomas pueden ser eliminadas sin aviso previo. Este foro se divide en subsecciones para entradas con temas y objetivos distintos. Por favor, escribe sobre los fallos (bugs) del juego en la sección de fallos; antes de escribir una entrada, medita en que subsección dónde debería estar tu entrada.

Inglés >> Sugerencias

Cancelling a Substitute? (7)

no Eaglewing >> miércoles septiembre 4 - 14:06
As it is now, it's only possible to remove a substitute by removing all entries, such as time, player out and condition. I feel this is a pretty tiring thing to do, when it could easily be done in one second by having a "remove substitute"-button or similar.

Anyone else who feel this way?
no Eaglewing
nl Vincent de Boer >> miércoles septiembre 4 - 14:09
You can just click on the substitute player to remove him and then save the line-up. If you later put a player back on this position he won't be substituted. I usually leave these unused substitute positions empty anyway though and let the computer fill them up.
nl Vincent de Boer
Desarrollador Jefe
vu Amun-Ra >> miércoles septiembre 4 - 14:58
just replace the player's name with --------
and you're good to go
vu Amun-Ra
no Eaglewing >> miércoles septiembre 4 - 15:16
I never actually realized that. Guess I should experiment more :P Still, I think it would be nice with "confirm" substitute or "cancel" substitute buttons at the substitute menu.
no Eaglewing
eng VicRattlehead >> miércoles septiembre 4 - 16:53
It can be a bit annoying. Especially if you change the player on the the field who is going to be substituted as this can make the substitution button glitchy.

Related to this, it would be good if there was an option to completely remove the current lineup and substitutions so you can start over.
eng VicRattlehead
it Echo >> miércoles septiembre 4 - 17:04
@Vic Rattlehead
There is!
If you click the "Load" button leaving the blank space on the menu your line-up will be totally cleaned.
it Echo
eng VicRattlehead >> miércoles septiembre 4 - 18:35
Ah thanks :)
eng VicRattlehead