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Inglés >> Sugerencias

Remove the Loan Option Once the Limit Has Been Reached (3)

us Ulysses >> sábado septiembre 7 - 17:56, Editado sábado septiembre 7 - 18:04
In the past, I've accidently sold a player because I tried to loan him after I already had 2 loans and did not have VIP at the time. I ended up selling my best midfielder prospect (though he ultimately didn't turn out to be very promising anyway). I will admit that I was curious what would happen if I tried to loan a player after reaching the limit. Apparently, I recently bid on a player whose manager had a similar problem (if possible, I would be willing to rescind my offer for the player).

I think it would be a good idea to either take away the option for a loan or make a "loan" impossible once the limit has been reached. Right now, players over the limit will end up being sold without notice, and this doesn't seem very fair.
us Ulysses
us Polar Bear Council FC
ar Gabrielorco >> sábado septiembre 7 - 20:34
Hi Ulysses! I have already reported this in the bug section (I think it's a bug).
ar Gabrielorco
us Ulysses >> sábado septiembre 7 - 20:54, Editado sábado septiembre 7 - 20:54
Perhaps that forum would be more suitable. It seems like a bug, though it is not impossible that this result might be intentional.
us Ulysses
us Polar Bear Council FC