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Inglés >> Preguntas

Special attribute training time (4)

il Numpty >> jueves enero 31 - 17:57, Editado jueves enero 31 - 17:58

Is there a table anywhere that tells me how long the training time is for each special attribute. 

I can, obviously, see the duration for those that I can already train at my TC level, but I'd like to know how long the others will take when I upgrade the TC. 

I appreciate the duration shortens with each upgrade, so a list based on TC level 10 would be sufficient. 


il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
ro Andrei >> jueves enero 31 - 18:46
Does this help? See Nehemiah's post.
ro Andrei
il Numpty >> jueves enero 31 - 18:53

Will have a read. Thank you. 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets