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Inglés >> Sugerencias

Youth Center/Academy (6)

rs Sale >> sábado junio 8 - 18:01


The youth center staff member will make your player 9 to 27 weeks younger.

My suggestion:

The youth center will have a chance to draw another player from the center with a chance of 2% to 20% (with second staff it will have additional 1% to 10%).

rs Sale
rs Империјал
ee onuelver >> sábado junio 8 - 20:32

Is there too few young players? Only bank buy them.

ee onuelver
ee Puka City Strikes Back
eng Stephen >> domingo junio 9 - 06:21

I agree @oneulver. I see page upon page of players with no bidders. Mind you if people will insist on trying to sell ordinary players for superstar prices, I can understand.

eng Stephen
Administrador Jefe
eng Seaburn Beach
additional youth players won't help the game..
The current YC staff bonus is just fine, except if we want them to start looking for buyers,
ee onuelver >> domingo junio 9 - 10:23

I prefer less but younger players than more and older players. 

ee onuelver
ee Puka City Strikes Back