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Inglés >> Sugerencias

Small things to keep the game alive (1)

ro Raderian >> viernes octubre 4 - 12:35, Editado viernes octubre 4 - 12:35

Here are a few thoughts from a returning manager (sad to find out that nothing has changed in over a year):

The retention of new managers is very low as there is no connection between new and veteran managers. Maybe a mentoring system would help, where the veterans could give some advice to the new managers and keep their interest high.  

To remove some of the overall boredom, maybe we can have some weekly match prediction contests where small prizes in VIP and credits could be offered (e.g. random 10 matches from 10 different 1st leagues).  

I know the medals from the missions were just for fun but giving the possibility to exchange them for some credits would give more purpose for collecting them, for both old & new managers.

ro Raderian
ro Dragon Riders