Foro: Inglés rss-feed

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Inglés >> Debate general

Data Breach? (7)

us slegek >> miércoles diciembre 25 - 19:19

Did Rocking soccer suffer a data breach? Got a notification from google saying: ''The following accounts use passwords which were exposed in a third-party data breach. Change these passwords immediately to keep your accounts safe.''

I have a special password for this website, but it would be nice that we get notified by RS if this was/is indeed the case.

us slegek
ro Raderian >> miércoles diciembre 25 - 19:27

I've got that notification from google for several websites in the past few days, I don't think RS is the problem (in this case).

ro Raderian
ro Dragon Riders
us Peter >> miércoles diciembre 25 - 21:40

I didn't get that message. Is it supposed to come through gmail, as slegek suggested?

us Peter
us Detroit Blazers
ro Raderian >> viernes diciembre 27 - 07:28

In my case the messages were like a popup in the browser (Chrome).

ro Raderian
ro Dragon Riders
us Peter >> viernes diciembre 27 - 15:33, Editado viernes diciembre 27 - 15:39

Ok, thanks Raderian. & slegek below.

us Peter
us Detroit Blazers
us slegek >> viernes diciembre 27 - 15:35

I also got it as a pop-up in google chrome. RS was the only website(from the website a visit) that had a data breach according to Google. 

us slegek
eng holt >> sábado diciembre 28 - 07:06

Would it show here?

eng holt