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Inglés >> Preguntas

calculated values for youngsters (2)

cz ArchStorm >> viernes enero 17 - 05:06, Editado viernes enero 17 - 05:24

today i got youngster Matej Skandera from academy.

His stats Talent 4,8 , End 4,75 , Power 5,4 , Speed 3,7 ????

And what i dont understand is speed value.. 

So what the heck ?          

minimum value is 2,5(2,5-5) and i have trainers who give me 1,9balls  bonus ( so mimimum for me should be 4,4)

I have Academy lvl 9 so i have to set 1x not important and 3x important

my set up: end 1x i,n , power 2x i        

cz ArchStorm
cz FK Archie
au davo >> viernes enero 17 - 07:39

The 1.9 balls is the total randomly distributed over speed, power and endurance. It is not 1.9 balls on each of the fixed features.

au davo