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Inglés >> Preguntas

Play off question (2)

eng Ady Philips >> martes agosto 24 - 15:30

I have looked but couldn't find a answer. 

last season I finished 3rd in my league and ended in a play off which I lost. I thought it was a play off for promotion and I would stay in same league.
Today I find out I've been demoted a league is this normal. 

eng Ady Philips
eng Terrier Town
il Numpty >> martes agosto 24 - 15:51, Editado martes agosto 24 - 16:27

You haven't been demoted. Last season you were 3rd in level 4 group 3. That got you into the play-offs.

You lost so you stay at the same level (level 4). You're now in group 4 instead of group 3. This is not a demotion as all groups at the same level are equal. 

This is normal for teams that get into the playoffs. These teams effectively leave their league and get randomly reallocated to a group along with all the promoted and relegated teams at the same level. It could be a new group or the same one as before. 

I've just found this in the Help:

Moving to a different subgroup

  • Teams participating in the playoffs can be moved to a different subgroup even if they stay in the same level. A team failing to promote from 3.2 to 2 might play the next year in group 3.1, but it might also stay in 3.2
  • Teams that didn't qualify for playoffs will stay in the same subgroup for the next season.
il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets