Foro: Inglés rss-feed

Este es el foro de debate general en inglés. Cuando escribas una entrada en este foro, debes utilizar este idioma. Las entradas en otros idiomas pueden ser eliminadas sin aviso previo. Este foro se divide en subsecciones para entradas con temas y objetivos distintos. Por favor, escribe sobre los fallos (bugs) del juego en la sección de fallos; antes de escribir una entrada, medita en que subsección dónde debería estar tu entrada.

Inglés >> Preguntas

i am new player (6)

tg Julie >> sábado diciembre 31 - 10:34

I'm a new player from Thailand. I have always liked the English league. But still confused about the details of the different players in this game. Can anyone suggest any methods? I want to get advice Thank you in advance

tg Julie
il Numpty >> sábado diciembre 31 - 12:20, Editado sábado diciembre 31 - 12:25

Hi Julie

Welcome to the game. The best way to go about learning the game is to start by reading all the Help information. It's worth reading at least twice. Here:

After that I would spend a lot of time reading the forums, where you will find lots of information and help that has been given previously by many of the experienced managers. There is a basic search function although it's not always that easy to use. 

In terms of general advice the most important thing at the start is to grow your club and concentrate on your buidlings, especially the ones that will earn you money - stadium - and grow your fanbase - fan shop. 

If you have specific detailed questions then ask them here.

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
hr Kupus >> sábado diciembre 31 - 12:25

A big thanks to Numpty for all the hard work during 2022 guiding players in right direction (most of the times).


hr Kupus
Administrador del Foro
de Regnum Croatorum
il Numpty >> sábado diciembre 31 - 12:38

Thanks. I think :D

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
Not again lol.
Julie the princess again.
pii >> sábado diciembre 31 - 14:58
This is Thaiwan julie @don-x...., Lets pretend this is also an english league forum.