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Inglés >> Sugerencias

Bot Teams in Oceania League (2)

ru RealFlush >> sábado febrero 4 - 10:32

There are a lot of teams in Oceania League Group Stage.

Why it is not allowded to take it as second team?

Because number of managers decreased a lot and better to save bot teams with Stadium and Training Center Level 9-10 than develop the second team from the very beginning

ru RealFlush
ru Double Standards
ee onuelver >> sábado febrero 4 - 16:42

I think they are in Oceanian region top 50 by ranking. If you take second team it must be without facilities- should i abandon one of my current teams new club must be non-advanced. Just imagine that siege take 2 of such top teams and will brag how good manager he is then...currently his team is mediocre and full of dying oldies. That alone is enough good reason not to change it and there is nobody who would change it. Vincent has quite "pohuj" about the game if it only bring some money from vips.

ee onuelver
ee Puka City Strikes Back