Liga de India temporada 50

Foro: Foro de la liga rss-feed

Debate acerca de tu liga: ¿Quiénes son los favoritos para ganar la liga esta temporada? ¿Quién jugará la promoción o descenderá? ¿Cómo te irá en la copa?

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Off game topics........ (2)

in Sridhar >> domingo junio 7 - 18:21, Editado domingo junio 7 - 18:25
Hi guys.... My univ xams will start at june10 and it will be up to july 18 ... So i cant be much active and now ive just can build facility and got no time to check my players hope my assistant make good line ups for up coming matches......
in Sridhar
in Mike >> lunes junio 8 - 02:40
All the best for your exams @tist... But just try to login at least once in week to avoid being fired as the manager and concentrate on your exams... You can always come back stronger and better next season... Good luck once again...
in Mike