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Inglés >> Competiciones

< Luxembourg championship > & < National of Luxembourg > (312)

pl marnypopis >> viernes noviembre 8 - 05:55

I expect that it won't happen this season. 

pl marnypopis
lu Real Luxemburg
hu David >> miércoles noviembre 20 - 17:39

And what about NT? Will Stephan continue his job at NT?

hu David
hu FC Ajka
eng Stephen >> miércoles noviembre 20 - 20:19

II think I will apply again, unless someone else wants to stand?

eng Stephen
Administrador Jefe
eng Seaburn Beach
hu David >> jueves noviembre 21 - 04:58

You make a good job, I think, so for me it's okay :)

hu David
hu FC Ajka
pl marnypopis >> jueves noviembre 21 - 14:50

That's good, that's good, that's gooooood

pl marnypopis
lu Real Luxemburg
hu David >> jueves noviembre 21 - 17:23

Before the last 10 games my team stays at 9th position. I think it's not bad at all, relegation is far far away.
I focused on the stadium to get 35,000, and not invested really on buying players. This transfer window I will invest, we need to have better youth players (and stronger), and not only old players who will pull out at the end of the season.
I want to catch finally one or more top teams in Luxemburg, this season seemed less chance, than in the first season.
About the other teams I can't see any surprise, Elder is better than the other 3, Real Lux, Dudelange and Graoully have also their real position. Nagykinizs and Franzstadt with also hungarian managers are close, I'm curious that they could climb up at the end. W.p. with the 2 loans are also in good positions, while from Union Luxembourg I expected more, as they shown till now.
KL and Vianden stay also without problems, don't need to be afraid about relegation. GAE makes me really disappointed with these buildings they should play for the top 5-6 positions, and not to avoid relegation. The youthies are also too weak for this level. 

hu David
hu FC Ajka
cn Angelo >> viernes noviembre 22 - 14:04

This season's European League, let me see the gap between the strong team and the next season, I will pay more attention to facilities, training young players is a fun thing. I hope everyone will do better and progress every season.

Regarding NT, I hope that Steven can stay.

This is just my personal opinion :)

cn Angelo
eng Stephen >> viernes noviembre 22 - 20:05, Editado viernes noviembre 22 - 20:05

Alright then. I have put my name forward.

Thanks for the support

eng Stephen
Administrador Jefe
eng Seaburn Beach
hu David >> sábado noviembre 23 - 19:51

Will be able one team to get at least 1 point from Elder Scrolls? :O

hu David
hu FC Ajka
hu David >> domingo noviembre 24 - 18:01

Huuuge surprise today, and huuuge luck also to take 1 point at Real Lux.

hu David
hu FC Ajka
it Emanuele >> lunes noviembre 25 - 13:43

I'll try to snatch 1 point against Elder Scrolls in a few days, but it's a very difficult mission

it Emanuele
lu AC Ughina
pl marnypopis >> miércoles noviembre 27 - 13:49

Alcorcon, You were close few times before but finally you made IT. Congrats.

pl marnypopis
lu Real Luxemburg
hu David >> miércoles noviembre 27 - 20:05

Thanks Marny, my team is getting too old, I will have a lot of new (and younger) faces in my roster.
Elder are champions. Absolutely outstanding season on home floor, no chance for other teams. Congrats

hu David
hu FC Ajka
eng Stephen >> miércoles noviembre 27 - 22:30


Excellent season for Elder Scrolls!

eng Stephen
Administrador Jefe
eng Seaburn Beach
hu David >> domingo diciembre 1 - 08:41

With this last minute win at Vianden we finished this season. We got 48 points, and place 9. Not a bad season, but need to refresh the team.

hu David
hu FC Ajka