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Inglés >> Debate general

New feature: selling tickets (7)

nl Vincent de Boer >> domingo febrero 17 - 12:41, Editado domingo febrero 17 - 12:41
We've added a new feature today.

You can now share the link to your upcoming matches as a way for active players to increase your fanbase faster. See more about this in the help
nl Vincent de Boer
Desarrollador Jefe
cn protein >> domingo febrero 17 - 14:18
I guess it'd be better if we have a news announcing feature, just like that in Rocking Rackets? :) Maybe not all the users will check the forum regularly.
cn protein
nl Vincent de Boer >> domingo febrero 17 - 14:46
Yeah, news is also planned ;) I just don't know how exactly I'll do it. You should see the ticket icon in your upcoming matches though when you have home matches soon. I just want a place here to discuss it and ask questions.
nl Vincent de Boer
Desarrollador Jefe
cn protein >> domingo febrero 17 - 14:52
I think selling tickets is a nice feature. :) But I have a question. I have a league match tomorrow (, but it says 'No tickets are available at this time for this match.'. Are the tickets sold out or ...? I didn't send out the link before by the way.
Thanks Vincent.
cn protein
rs Dragan Cvorovic >> domingo febrero 17 - 17:23
Protein, for each second home match in your league you get a ticket link that you can send to friends, because of that you can't sell tickets for tomorrow match, only for match after that.
rs Dragan Cvorovic
nl Vincent de Boer >> domingo febrero 17 - 19:54
I limited to half the home matches now, I thought it would be too much to do it for all of them. It's rather an awkward rule now though. What are your thoughts on this?
nl Vincent de Boer
Desarrollador Jefe
eng pepsy11 >> domingo febrero 17 - 21:13
I don't like it for several reasons.. First of, so incredibly easy to abuse..
eng pepsy11