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Inglés >> Fútbol en la vida real

Max Verstappen Workd Champion formule 1 (4)

nl Aad Mansveld >> martes diciembre 14 - 17:36, Editado sábado julio 9 - 19:59

Forvthe 1st time a Dutch worldchampion in the Formule 1. Beating the 7 time world champion in the final lap of the final race. 

nl Aad Mansveld
nl **** The Hague FC ****
cn PLAN CV17:shandong >> martes junio 21 - 01:42


cn PLAN CV17:shandong
mx MXL Luneng Taishan
tr Mavi >> martes junio 21 - 13:30

@the rabbit of PRC That seems like a drunk posting:) It was reference to last year's final race of formula 1. It was extremely entertaining to watch whole race.

tr Mavi
nl Counter_Culture >> jueves junio 23 - 07:38

I can confirm a lot of Dutch people got drunk that day.

nl Counter_Culture