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Inglés >> Preguntas

CM retiring? What do I look out for (3)

in Keju >> domingo octubre 15 - 05:02

I know there is a bug with the construction manager, causing absurd build times. My CM retires at the end of the season. What do I need to take care of?

in Keju
in Bengaluru FC
il Numpty >> domingo octubre 15 - 09:59, Editado domingo octubre 15 - 10:01

I doubt if it will be a problem, so don't do anything. The problem seems to be caused by multiple rounds of hiring and firing. 

If you want to be absolutely sure then don't start any new construction projects before he retires. 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
ee Balthazor >> domingo octubre 15 - 18:10

Probably you can still build couple of museum levels before retirement, but then is safer to take a pause. 
If you have replacement ready, then you may wait until current upgrade is finished and then replace him before starting with next upgrade. As new one is not probably at same level as old, first path is better. 

ee Balthazor
ee Dünamo Tallinn