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Inglés >> Fútbol en la vida real

Chapecoense #ForçaChape (30)

hr Eddie >> miércoles noviembre 30 - 11:43
And seeing those three teammates that stayed back in Brazil cause of injuries...
hr Eddie
pt Sir Alex >> miércoles noviembre 30 - 21:03
Força Chapecoense

... Thks and congrats Atletico Nacional
pt Sir Alex
pt Marco Carvalho >> miércoles noviembre 30 - 22:43
One of the players is a former player from my club here in Portugal. Marcelo Boeck was not on the flight because he asked permission to stay because it was his and his son anniversary. Those decisions..

Guys, this is a serious advice to all of you. Dont fly in low cost airlines... they always put the fuel just as enough to get to the airport of arrivval. If something happens like it happened in this tragedy, the airplanes dont have fuel to go to another airport. Ill give you ryanair example, last year they declared 4000 emergency landings due to lack of fuel. But one day it will happen the same it happned yesterday, two airplanes with emergencies.. and the rest u know it already...
pt Marco Carvalho
Administrador del Foro
pt Sporting Clube Portugal
pt Sir Alex >> miércoles noviembre 30 - 23:02
You touch the central issue. Very sad but that's the truth :(

Low cost means dead. No one cares about us anymore.
pt Sir Alex
br Ademir >> jueves diciembre 1 - 03:24, Editado jueves diciembre 1 - 03:33
Acoording to a Lamia director they had made a flight plan with a stop at north of Bolivia to fuel, but the flight of Sao Paulo-Santa Cruz delayed, and then this airport in north of Bolivia had closed because it doesn't make operations at night, because of this, the captain who is the company owner decided to have a direct flight.

The survivors are still alive, I think that is a good signal for the recuperation chances, Follmann, the reserve keeper lost an leg, obviuously his career as a football player ended, Alan the left defender have a column injurie but it seems that he is not going to lose any movement, Neto the central defender that was found 10 hours after the accident is stable.
br Ademir
my Kesvick >> jueves diciembre 1 - 05:04
my Kesvick
ro Andrei >> jueves diciembre 1 - 07:24
From the Wikipedia page of the crash.

"At 22:00 local time on 28 November (03:00 UTC, 29 November), the crew declared electrical and fuel emergencies while flying in Colombian airspace between the municipalities of La Ceja and La Unión due to fuel exhaustion. During the last 15 minutes the flight had completed two laps of a racetrack holding pattern, adding about 54 nautical miles (100 km) to its flight. The crash site was 10 nautical miles (19 km) from MDE airport's runway 36."

Why would you add 100 kilometers to the flight when you know you're running out of fuel? That's just ... mindblowing. I'm waiting for some sort of explanation for this maneuver.

If that wouldn't have happened, they would've been able to get to the runway. On fuel fumes, probably, but they would've gotten there.
ro Andrei
hr Eddie >> jueves diciembre 1 - 07:57
It was total electrical failure. Just saw this morning on news. They played communication between pilot and airport control, from black box.

And since they made two laps of the exact pattern, it looks like controls were lost and maybe auto-pilot kicked in, doing some kind of "waiting for landing clearance" mode. Not sure why such a large patter, though.

In the process, they ran out of fuel. So my guess is electrical failure caused fuel problems.
hr Eddie
ro Andrei >> jueves diciembre 1 - 08:16, Editado jueves diciembre 1 - 08:19
It seems it was the other way around, according to the Wikipedia article. The fuel problems caused the electrical failures.

Although I won't be surprised if they got that the wrong way.
ro Andrei
eng Dragontao >> jueves diciembre 1 - 08:57
An electrical fault could have many effects, including affecting fuel readings. It's not good to speculate on fault or blame until the official investigation and report are concluded.the gutter press will do enough of that. Bad enough for the families without giving added cause for anger to compound their grief.
eng Dragontao
eng Colchester City #2
ca Jax >> jueves diciembre 1 - 09:09

Very sad.
ca Jax
ro Andrei >> jueves diciembre 1 - 11:32
Well said, Dragontao.
ro Andrei
pt Marco Carvalho >> jueves diciembre 1 - 12:45
The electrical failure was caused due to the lack of fuel.

Andrei they had to "add" 100km to their route because they had to wait for the other aircraft that was with technical issues to land. Therefore, after it landed, there are still security procedures before another airplane to land on that runway. It was simply a very bad luck for everybody.... But I blame who decided to choose an aircraft that could only take enough fuel just to get to its final destination... You simply cannot do that, its just putting everyones safety in danger.
pt Marco Carvalho
Administrador del Foro
pt Sporting Clube Portugal
pal N10 >> jueves diciembre 1 - 18:15, Editado jueves diciembre 1 - 18:23
The airplane was of Bolivian nationality, according to experts this kind of airplanes (RJ85) aren't for long distances, maximum 2 hours (Santa Cruz (Bol)-Medellín (Col)= 3015 km or 1872 miles= 3h 46min)
pal N10
co Deportivo Dynamo
wal Hudson >> miércoles diciembre 7 - 14:36
What's happened has happened, life goes on.
wal Hudson