Foro: Inglés rss-feed

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Inglés >> Sugerencias

New server please (26)

ro Andrei >> martes abril 23 - 17:42
Red, are you actually going to add something constructive to this topic or not? Because I am inclined to just close the topic, since I don't see any particular progress, just a topic that got sent off-topic.
ro Andrei
us Peter >> miércoles abril 24 - 01:08

Red's posts are oddly amusing for their brevity and repetition.

us Peter
us Detroit Blazers
nl Glory >> miércoles abril 24 - 07:07

Agree with Peter, and for sure red has not gone off-topic.

nl Glory
ro Andrei >> miércoles abril 24 - 13:34
I wasn't referring to Red in that respect.
ro Andrei
tr Hasan >> lunes abril 29 - 08:13

A new server can be opened. Each user can take teams on two servers. But that would be too costly.

tr Hasan
tr Amasyaspor FK
tr Mustafa >> lunes abril 29 - 22:29

Wanting a new server is ridiculous.

tr Mustafa
tr FC Kadıoğlu Gençlik ⭐
pl ®av >> martes abril 30 - 20:41

@Hasan nice idea

It will be great if each user can take teams here in regular server and on new in one account. 

Everyone from here can start from scratch and compete on new server, and still play here with others, this will raise rivalries on new rules after many updates on the new server , but im afraid Vincent did not agree to this.

pl ®av

Instead of a new server let there be new opening of new country in one of the continents.

ro Andrei >> domingo mayo 26 - 17:35
Any more of these 'Up' posts, Red, and I am closing this topic. These posts are not helping whatsoever with the discussion.
ro Andrei