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Inglés >> Sugerencias

Can players die? (22)

ru Ebitimi >> jueves febrero 27 - 07:08

This is no action game. So for me introducing all this would be BS. There are other more relevant things to better in the game. Thank you

ru Ebitimi
bf FC Djibo
in Mr. Arpit >> viernes febrero 28 - 10:34

No, but many such things do happen in real life don't they? People die, fall, s*** happens all the time. Accidents happen, Wouldn't it make the game more realistic? /s

in Mr. Arpit
in Thundering Pune

Won't it be realistic also if we can withdraw our in game money and make it real money, or buy real life professional and turn him into RS professional too. 

il Numpty >> viernes febrero 28 - 11:19, Editado viernes febrero 28 - 11:24

Players have died on the pitch. Real life is not funny.  

I see absolutely no value in turning that aspect into a game. It would be a bit sick.

Whatever next? Playing away from home might just mean players having affairs with a team mate's wife or racial abuse from the crowd.  

You don't want every real aspect of football being programmed into the game. 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
ru Ebitimi >> viernes febrero 28 - 14:22

I just don't get it most people wants the craziest of things lol...

ru Ebitimi
bf FC Djibo
ca Alex Seymour >> viernes febrero 28 - 18:15

Right we don't want a 'John Terry factor' being added to the game.

ca Alex Seymour
ca Hamilton FC
eng Dragontao >> domingo marzo 1 - 10:24, Editado domingo marzo 1 - 10:27

This thread is hilarious (and has made me feel young again lol).  I wholeheartedly support Numpty's idea of an assassin trait, or Ninja. Which should be a hidden trait only the manager can see.

eng Dragontao
eng Colchester City #2