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Inglés >> Debate general

Level 10 youths (4713)

il Numpty >> viernes abril 10 - 08:21, Editado viernes abril 10 - 08:23

Again this depends on whether your plan is to keep him or sell him to the bank. 

Forwards benefit from Longshots, Poacher, Sharpshooter, Shielding, Dribbler, Winger, Pen Specialist. 

The first 2 are the most useful. 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
fr theo >> viernes abril 10 - 08:25

ok thanks to you, i just decided to keep it or not lol

fr theo
fr INF clairefontaine
nl Joddit >> domingo abril 19 - 10:20

Modest is a bit of a tricky one. Either a position at wich he will take a long time to get good (like a GK, but that will come at a penalty later, when he DOES get good) or a position at which it is difficult to get to a ultimate high star value (striker maybe)...

nl Joddit
nl Domstad FC
il Numpty >> domingo abril 19 - 10:39

I would go for a DM with lots of Duelling - they have a low star value. 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
nl Joddit >> domingo abril 19 - 10:44


Actually, that is not a bad idea! Thanks for that!

nl Joddit
nl Domstad FC
eng holt >> domingo abril 19 - 12:19

Creative with decent endurance and speed(which can be trained).

Would it make sense to make him into an AM,since I haven't seen a lot of players use position.(ie. Maybe no one has found a suitable tactic?)

eng holt
nl Joddit >> domingo abril 19 - 12:28


In my (admittedly amateur) opinion he could be that, but his stunted power (which counts towards passing) might be a problem, so maybe a forward could be an option as well.

In all honesty, though, I have never dealt with a player like this, so I could easily be wrong... 

nl Joddit
nl Domstad FC
il Numpty >> domingo abril 19 - 12:50, Editado domingo abril 19 - 12:51

Creative  - and similar specials like unpredictable - are best used as attacking players. Defenders need to be reliable and any player that blows hot and cold is not much benefit in defence, but just might get you a goal when they are 'in the zone'. 

So either an AM or a forward - and for the reasons that @Joddit gives (Speed vs Power) he's best as a forward.

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets

Sometimes people do play AM, I've done that my self, it got to be a really strong one else, you end up having -1 on the pitch, you know what that means. 

nl Joddit >> miércoles abril 29 - 15:10, Editado miércoles abril 29 - 15:21

I would say defender. Way old unfortunately.

Edit: although I probably shouldn't sound this ungrateful. There isn't that much wrong with the lad and he's nice and early so that I can get a few matches in. 

nl Joddit
nl Domstad FC
nl Joddit >> miércoles mayo 13 - 07:43, Editado miércoles mayo 13 - 08:56

Creative, striker or maybe a winger seems to be the most likely position.

Edit:though suggestions are welcome if you think I'm missing something.

Edit2: I am actually and very clumsily asking for opinions. My first instinct would say RM/LM, since they would be able to open up play going forward, but maybe I'm thinking about real football too much. 

nl Joddit
nl Domstad FC
cy MAKAROS >> miércoles mayo 13 - 14:12, Editado miércoles mayo 13 - 14:14

the logic of showing players from our academy and not players for sale I never understood

Yes i know some will tell me here talk to Vincent ...

Nice questions with smart answers

in the public forum

because I know about who you will answer don't rush better there are other people here that I would be interested in their opinion.

nl Joddit >> miércoles mayo 13 - 16:01


Thanks, I will keep that in mind. 

nl Joddit
nl Domstad FC
cy MAKAROS >> miércoles mayo 13 - 16:11

Οbviously he doesn't turn against you, my friend, or any other manager here.

I just ask a question...

eng holt >> martes mayo 26 - 03:54

Stick to defender or mid?(Since high endurance0

eng holt