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Inglés >> Competiciones

European (Europa) League (33)

pl Lauri >> domingo julio 7 - 21:26
Congratz Ofer! You deserved to win! maybe in next season i will beat you ;)
pl Lauri
il ofer cohen >> lunes julio 8 - 18:36
thank you
next year we both will be in the champions
good luck buddy
il ofer cohen
us MOC >> viernes julio 12 - 19:52
The new European League starts tomorrow and I've managed to sneak my plucky little club into the first qualifying round, where I'm taking on a Cyprian squad that I might just have a shot at beating if my players play up to expectations.

I'm holding out hope for an adventurous run in my first attempt, but my club isn't particularly deep, so I may have some trouble when league play starts.
us MOC