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Inglés >> Fútbol en la vida real

Eurovision (56)

ee onuelver >> viernes mayo 12 - 16:58
You have just bad taste :D
ee onuelver
ee Puka City Strikes Back
ee Balthazor >> lunes mayo 14 - 19:28

Awkward moment, when it's proud to be Estonian: we had stylish performance earning decent result and we didn't give any points to that terrible cackling cool

ee Balthazor
ee Dünamo Tallinn
eng Dragontao >> lunes mayo 14 - 22:12

Of the entries Netherlands was my personal favourite, Denmark, Germany and Austria's entries were okay, didn't mind Italy's and Ireland's. Most were total dross and that pile of poop that won it, hopefully I'll never have to hear that again.

eng Dragontao
eng Colchester City #2
ee Balthazor >> sábado febrero 2 - 20:24

Really angry at local riff-raff who didn't choose really beautiful song from Lacy Jay to national final and preferred some flat cheap disco crap. yellfrowncry

ee Balthazor
ee Dünamo Tallinn
ee Ryan >> domingo febrero 3 - 17:14

Most likely the Swedish guy will be sent anyways by the jury.

ee Ryan
ph meow the cat >> miércoles febrero 6 - 09:50

Yay! Someone opens this again! I'm addicted to Eurovision lol

ph meow the cat
ph Puso ng Baguio
ee Ryan >> miércoles febrero 6 - 17:46

I was disappointed that Eurovision Asia got cancelled though, they crammed it into such a tight scedule.

ee Ryan
pt Sir Alex >> sábado febrero 16 - 22:08, Editado sábado febrero 16 - 22:08

This is unfortunate, too bad to be true, but for me, it is no longer strange in this 'modern' society.

Now it's just one more step of general dumbness.

pt Sir Alex
ph meow the cat >> lunes febrero 18 - 09:34

So, no Filipino in Eurovision...

Not Bella, not Laura..

Worst song now goes to Romania..

What a shame Emmelie

ph meow the cat
ph Puso ng Baguio
ee Balthazor >> domingo marzo 17 - 11:05

This year there is something interesting coming...

ee Balthazor
ee Dünamo Tallinn
ph meow the cat >> domingo marzo 17 - 12:05

I found that so weird (as well as Austria)

Me: Valentina's House 2020 (San Marino)

ph meow the cat
ph Puso ng Baguio
ee onuelver >> lunes marzo 18 - 21:54

That chicken dance song is absolute mess in cube. Just too much things in same song. Bells tune is quite good one with some sad mood but there is like 3 totaly different style songs that play same time.

Something but less messy was some years ago from a former Yugoslavian country (i dont remember which one: Montenegro or Macedonia probably) and it didn't reach to final. 

ee onuelver
ee Puka City Strikes Back
ph meow the cat >> martes marzo 19 - 12:52

If you are referring to Macedonia, then they have a crap staging, finishing second to last.

ph meow the cat
ph Puso ng Baguio
ee onuelver >> miércoles marzo 20 - 04:35

Checked out: it was Montenegro 2016 which tried to be something between club music and hard rock but result was quite messy too.

ee onuelver
ee Puka City Strikes Back
ee Balthazor >> miércoles mayo 15 - 04:10

After first semifinal: ESC hates everything that is original and unique, most interesting songs left out of final. 

ee Balthazor
ee Dünamo Tallinn