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Inglés >> Fútbol en la vida real

World Cup Qatar (34)

ee Balthazor >> domingo febrero 20 - 19:38

IOC is in same boat: most of last olympic games are given to problematic countries. There are more similar organizations which prefer such countries because they have money and potential big audiences. For example F1 is trying to get one of rallies to Russia and promotes Russian drivers, who have been completely under necessary level so far. 

ee Balthazor
ee Dünamo Tallinn
eng holt >> lunes febrero 21 - 21:14

eng holt
tc ... >> sábado abril 2 - 00:43

So the draw has happened, and I'm honestly quite happy with the way things have gone. Every team seems really competitive and in it, so I'm excited to see how things go. :)

Not to mention it'll be during the winter here (Northern Hemisphere), so it'll be nice to huddle up for warmth in front of the fireplace and the TV!

Who are y'all favorites? Mine is definitely Brazil!

tc ...
kn Phoenix T&C
eng holt >> sábado abril 2 - 04:52, Editado sábado abril 2 - 04:53

Tough to say. The squad situation is similar to that of 2018, where you had very few teams which looked to have a squad that would be firm favourites.

One of them is France, so I'll have to say that they should have a good run this time as well.

I don't think I have any favourites this time around, none of the teams seem to play flashy football.

eng holt