Foro: Inglés rss-feed

Este es el foro de debate general en inglés. Cuando escribas una entrada en este foro, debes utilizar este idioma. Las entradas en otros idiomas pueden ser eliminadas sin aviso previo. Este foro se divide en subsecciones para entradas con temas y objetivos distintos. Por favor, escribe sobre los fallos (bugs) del juego en la sección de fallos; antes de escribir una entrada, medita en que subsección dónde debería estar tu entrada.

Inglés >> Debate general

FRUSTRATION (Season 25+) (10388)

eng Stephen >> sábado agosto 24 - 09:59, Editado sábado agosto 24 - 10:00

Man completes scout office. Man forgets to scout additional region. Man facepalms

eng Stephen
Administrador Jefe
eng Seaburn Beach
nl Koen >> sábado agosto 24 - 13:33

Man can't suppress friendly smile smile

nl Koen
ee Taavi >> sábado agosto 24 - 13:40

I have so many jokes , none of them kid friendly

ee Taavi
Administrador del Foro
ee FC Pusa
ca Ron >> domingo agosto 25 - 05:39

15hrs and counting waiting for Transfer Review of a $40 million dollar player to take place...WTF? Really lol

ca Ron
bo Tupiza FC
nl Joddit >> lunes agosto 26 - 21:50, Editado martes agosto 27 - 06:31

Annoyed at the fact that I loan my player to a bot team, which then plays him in u21 matches as well as league matches, throwing away a large chunk of the extra xp he could have gotten. 

First World problems, I suppose, and probably something no one can do anything about **mod edit for language**

nl Joddit
nl Domstad FC
ec Land >> martes agosto 27 - 19:32, Editado martes agosto 27 - 19:33

I mean, I wasn't expecting to win but this seems like an overkill
ec Land
ec Cocodrilos
rs Sale >> miércoles agosto 28 - 17:43

I hate this game.

rs Sale
rs Империјал
bg mo >> jueves agosto 29 - 06:08

Can you please remove that sh1t announcement from the game!!!!

''Brynjar Logisson issued a press statement that although management of FC Anarch urged him to accept the offer of  FC Smunck, he preferred a move to  Galatasaray Hezex SK.''

Its just frustrating nothing else, I received 5 like that this transfer season and got not even 1 new player!!! Just show who win tje auction and nothing else! NO MORE THIS STUPID MESSAGE!

bg mo
bg FC Smunck
gr PMK >> jueves agosto 29 - 06:46

At least you have saved some money:)

gr PMK
nl Joddit >> jueves agosto 29 - 09:47, Editado jueves agosto 29 - 09:47


I think you may have to hide now. tongue-out

nl Joddit
nl Domstad FC
gr PMK >> jueves agosto 29 - 09:58


hehe, i have the same feelings with mo, i lost 2 very good players just because the other teams had more popularity. But i try to think a bit positive in order to forget these loses :D 

gr PMK
us Peter >> jueves agosto 29 - 14:24

Bid on a player, deadline is some time after midnight. Go to sleep, wake up, lost the bid. Never fails to piss me off.

us Peter
us Detroit Blazers
nl Joddit >> jueves agosto 29 - 14:49


Wait, are you saying that club popularity is a factor in the acceptance of a bid? That would be new to me.

Staying positive is probably the best thing to do, even though I have felt that frustration myself!!

nl Joddit
nl Domstad FC
il Numpty >> jueves agosto 29 - 15:03

I guess he means more popular due to age, language, value ...

It's so frustrating losing the bids time after time. Especially as it just burns credits with no reward.   Think the losing bidders should at least get their credits back. 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
gr PMK >> jueves agosto 29 - 15:11

I mean club popularity. not sure if it's written somewhere but I am pretty sure it affects who gets the player 

gr PMK