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Inglés >> Sugerencias

Fijo New special attributes (231)

ng Don-x⭐Ⓜ dedicating s75 league&cup titles to hi >> martes septiembre 30 - 08:15, Editado martes septiembre 30 - 16:23
Ok I need this attribute then...
Magical hand===>allow players to score 3goals per match using hand

Iron head and leg===> for defenders to give every supertalent player 6months injury in every game

fighter===>turn stadium into wrestling box, instead of watching 11vs11 playing football we rather see karate on the pitch
pl Tomplus >> martes septiembre 30 - 09:29
@Eddie Krucifer
All suggestion must be interfere in engine. But what is problem?

Bench_killer or ambitious in programming is simple (of course only on paper):

if (minutes_match>45 AND sub_minutes>45 AND skill_player==bench_killer) add_skill[var_skill] += valuable.

if (player_team_power < rival_team_power AND skill_player==ambitious) add_skill[var_skill] += valuable.
pl Tomplus
pl Sarmacja Będzin
eng Aamirkhan >> martes septiembre 30 - 16:55
Me wana a Special attribute called "Slippery Gerrard" where depending on the situation that player slips down when it is worst case scenario
eng Aamirkhan
ro ✣✤❄✸● ☠☢☣ ●✸❄✤✣ >> miércoles octubre 1 - 14:44
My third batch of attributes

VISION(non-trainable) - Player has a good vision over the game, anticipating the movement of the other team players, in attack. (receive +0.5 balls tactics, +0.25 balls dueling when in the other teams field, areas 8-15)
WHY? There are very good mids and fwds which have the ability to anticipate the opposing team and win the ball in the attack.

WINGER(trainable) - Trained to better play in the wing parts of the field. (receive +0.25 balls speed and +0.25 balls power if he is assigned in a wing position RB, RWB, LB, LWB, RM, RAM, LM, LAM, RW, LW, has a big negative bonus if he plays on any other position -0.5 balls speed and -0.5 balls power if he is assigned any other position)
WHY? Again my argument that people early on in the game do not use wingers that much. And in training grounds, some players can get very good at playing on the specific part of the field.
ADDITIONAL: not applicable for GKs

LOUSY(non-trainable) - Player has a negative influence of his teammates. There is a chance that during a game he will play so lousy that he will bring more harm than good for the team (25% chance that all teammates receive -0.25 balls scoring and -0.25 balls passing)
WHY? We've all witnessed teams that fall because of one player that makes some mistakes during the game.

MORALE(non-trainable) - Player receives a positive bonus when his team scores but also plays worse after an own goal (receive +0.25 balls power and +0.25 balls speed after team scores a goal (applicable only once per game), if the player scores an own goal receive -1 ball power and -1 ball speed)
WHY? Like the CARD ALARM attribute(proposed in a early post) I think players should be more impacted by what actually happens during the match as well. Since this game does not have morale monitor, attributes can be very useful in this case.

ZEALOUS(non-trainable) - Player receives a small speed bonus if he has full energy at the start of the game. (+0.5 balls speed during the game if he has no fatigue at the start of the game)
WHY? Since there is a high usage of players, especially if the team is in the cup and a international cup, players that keep the bench war might be more eager to play than busy players.
ADDITIONAL: I don't know if it is possible, but for this type of attribute, It would do better if the bonus would be applied, if the player has not been on the field for the past three matches, and is now in the first 7/11 of the game.

HEURISTIC(trainable) - The player is learning through trial-and-error during the match. Each missed occasion brings him closer to the goal. (+0.10 balls scoring after each missed chance/blocked shot he takes, reset counter after the player has scored)
WHY? No training in the world can account for risk taking and sometimes having more shots does not really mean scoring more often, but in most cases, the team that tries more often scores more.

DRAMATIC(non-trainable) - If during the match another player attempts to take the ball from him, he will more often obtain a free kick (+25% chance to obtain a free kick if the other team attempts a tackle on him, +20% chance that the other player receives a yellow card, 5% chance the card is red. Additionally, the player has a 25% chance to receive a yellow card for falling to easy)
WHY? Just…A. Robben and C. Ronaldo.

UNKEMPT(non-trainable) - player has a bad lifestyle and is more tired (50% chance to receive -1 ball in endurance during a match)
WHY? Same as above, there are players which are good but are not having a good lifestyle which would make them get tired early on or get an injury faster.

VENGEFUL(non-trainable) - if a teammate is injured during the game or the team is way behind in the score line, the player will be more aggressive. (+20% chance to commit a fault if a teammate is injured during the game, or the team is 2 or more goals behind)
WHY? Players are rather aggressive if the team is trailing or one of the teammates has been injured by the opposing team.

STIFF(trainable) - the player is trained to keep his position at all costs. (-75% chance of getting out of the original position)
WHY? It is a trainable Lazy, which is needed. There are many forwards that do not cross into own field, just to keep pressure on the opponents defense.
ro ✣✤❄✸● ☠☢☣ ●✸❄✤✣
pl MAT >> martes octubre 21 - 07:03
Yeah! :) New Special attributes is ready:)
pl MAT
dk Mystic Warrior Copenhagen
nz Luke Broadcast >> martes octubre 21 - 08:03
'slippery gerrard' :D
nz Luke Broadcast
cn Leon >> martes octubre 21 - 08:38, Editado martes octubre 21 - 08:42
I'm happy some of my suggestions come true, such as Super Sub, popular.
cn Leon
de Kalimdor's Revenge
nz Luke Broadcast >> martes octubre 21 - 08:40
setting walls seems odd. there is no wrong way to set a wall, if the wall lets you down, its not GK´s fault...
nz Luke Broadcast
nl Blaaskaak >> martes octubre 21 - 09:55
Compliments voor Vincent for the new attributes and also his strong attempt to make the game more interesting with all the new changes! I am very curious about the new match engine (but other topic).
nl Blaaskaak
ca Wilderbeast >> jueves febrero 19 - 17:03
Suggestions for some new fun extremely rare specialities ;)

Player gets .5 ball bonus in first season at any team. Then .5 ball penalty every subsequent season until sold, when it is reset

Plays with small bonus until yellow carded in game, then plays with large penalty. If yellow carded much more likely to get another card.

Player gives small ball bonus to random teammate, but suffers small ball penalty himself.

YC9 / YC10 generated player refuses to work for League 1 team. Can only play for lower League team (Ok, I admit, I personally wish for this one)
ca Wilderbeast
ro Andrei >> jueves febrero 19 - 17:06
+1 only for Hero

Don't particularly like the sound of Adventurer and Diva and ... I don't quite understand Bossy. What's going on with that bonus?
ro Andrei
ca Wilderbeast >> jueves febrero 19 - 17:10, Editado jueves febrero 19 - 17:34
Bossy = talkative = chatterbox?

edit: a thread like this must have been done before? But I could not find it, anyway, a few more

"Nerd / Tactician"
Player gets +1 tactics bonus, but suffers -.5 Power and -.5 Speed

"Late Bloomer"
Unveils at age 21 like "popular". Player gets small random talent boost based on current talent (small boost for existing high talent, large boost for small talent)

Player gets small bonus if ALL Trainable Attributes are at 1, another small bonus if all TAs are at 2, another if TAs are at 3.

@Torres suggested "loyal...there should be some special attribute against that as well...
asks the usual salary twice' or something like that"
ca Wilderbeast
ro Andrei >> jueves febrero 19 - 18:02
No, I meant I didn't understand what's happening with the bonus. Some teammate gets a random bonus and the Bossy player gets penalized in return?
ro Andrei
us Mercuric >> jueves febrero 19 - 20:08
Sure, here are some suggestions.

Non Trainable Attributes

Leader - Players playing in his position get a 0.2 ball bonus to tactics and their primary attribute. Players in other positions get a 0.1 ball penalty. Has no effect on Keepers.

Organized - This player can "call for help" when defending against the man with the ball, allowing another player to use his tactics, if higher, instead of the other player's normal tactics score.

Driven - After determining this player's training morale for the season, if it is below zero it is increased slightly.

Pampered - After determining this player's training morale for the season, if it is above zero it is decreased slightly.

Even-Keeled - After determining this player's training morale for the season, it is always adjusted to be slightly closer to zero.

Indefatigable - This player's fatigue level doesn't drop during a game. After the game, however, it drops twice as much as normal.

Trainable Attributes

Trap Setter, 2 Credits, 1,000 XP - Opponents are more likely to lose the ball out-of-play when a pass comes into this player's region. (small increase)

Catching Practice, 2 Credits, 1,500 XP - Keeper can use his blocking to intercept crosses that come into the penalty area.

Positioning, 3 Credits, 3,000 XP - Player has a chance to score if he is in the penalty area and the keeper has deflected a shot but did not control it.

Through Ball Specialist, 4 Credits, 2,000 XP - Player receives half the normal passing penalty after getting an assist.
us Mercuric
ca Wilderbeast >> jueves febrero 19 - 20:58
@Moderators, thanks for combining threads!

I just love some of these attributes. And see from the thread history that the Developers already took this discussion above in account. Thanks.

Personally, I would like to see more attributes, even if slightly negative. Especially for higher level players.

Hmmm ...perhaps this is a balancing & diversity solution for the future when there are "hundreds" of YC9 & YC10 churning out (too many?) perfect vanilla youth players?
ca Wilderbeast