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Inglés >> Debate general

Not Frustrated at all topic. Season 9-99 (9290)

us Peter >> sábado enero 20 - 23:38

The team with the No.1 museum in the game (level 291) just lost its manager, and half of its museum levels. It looks like the guy just forgot about the inactivity rule; he was online a couple days ago and took his old team back. Shame. That's years of museum building wasted!

us Peter
us Detroit Blazers
eng Stephen >> domingo enero 21 - 07:51

Oh no, what a thing to happen :(

eng Stephen
Administrador Jefe
eng Seaburn Beach
il Numpty >> domingo enero 21 - 08:56

Yeah that's cruel. And the way the museum is coded, losing half the levels reduces income to just over 25%. So that's a massive loss. 

Strange he's never built stadium 11 though.

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
us Peter >> miércoles enero 24 - 20:44, Editado miércoles enero 24 - 20:46

Just got a 6 talent, Intelligent player for $29 million on the transfer market :'D

In this day and age, is that even possible? I would've thought he'd go for a little more than that. But ok!

Edit: Yeah he's downhearted but who cares

us Peter
us Detroit Blazers
ru Ebitimi >> domingo enero 28 - 03:59

Can even think of where to add this RN. But is it possible is still receive interest even after going over the  Interest CAP?

ru Ebitimi
bf FC Djibo
eng ipfreely >> domingo enero 28 - 09:33

You still receive interest, but the amount you get is limited by Office level; once it's at its highest level, interest cannot go any higher.

eng ipfreely
vi Lollapa Losers
il Numpty >> domingo enero 28 - 09:51

^ What he says. 

You may also find this thread useful:

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
ru Ebitimi >> domingo enero 28 - 16:35

So I'll earn interest even though I've passed the maximum allowed cap over which interest is paid?

ru Ebitimi
bf FC Djibo
il Numpty >> domingo enero 28 - 17:48, Editado domingo enero 28 - 17:55

Yes. I thought that @ipfreely was already clear about that. 

But to clear up any doubt you get full interest on the amount below the cap and nothing on the amount over the cap. 

With Office level 10 the maximum interest is roughly 75 million RSD per season. 

In the case of Office level 9, which is what you have, the interest rate is 7.5% APR and the maximum amount on which interest is paid is capped at $900 million. 

I calculate that the interest that you would get on the first $900 million is $1,252,575 per day. This is the number you should see on your club's finance page under the Interest (7.5%) line item. If you stay above $900 million for the whole season then you will earn a total of $63.9 million from 51 payments. 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
ru Ebitimi >> domingo enero 28 - 20:06

Lol. That makes it easier. Thanks @Numpty.  I wonder how I graduated from school 

ru Ebitimi
bf FC Djibo
il Numpty >> lunes enero 29 - 20:54

But we all fail at something.

I had an epic 'Numpty' fail this morning.

I managed to slip with a jug of very hot water and spilled a large quantity over both hands and wrists. Mostly superficial burns but a few patches are second degree burns: blistered, swollen, purple and still painful. 

Repeat after me. Numpty is a numpty ...

* Typed with one finger.

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
eng Stephen >> lunes enero 29 - 21:16, Editado lunes enero 29 - 21:17

Good grief. Are you alright? Did you get them checked out properly?

eng Stephen
Administrador Jefe
eng Seaburn Beach