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Inglés >> Fútbol en la vida real

It's for the KOP (1052)

eng Dragontao >> domingo febrero 21 - 11:21

Don't worry. Chelsea coming up soon. We're like defibrillators for teams on a losing streak or bad run.

eng Dragontao
eng Colchester City #2
eng Lee >> lunes marzo 1 - 19:40

Was nice to finally get a win! Thursday's game against Chelsea will be a tougher test as Tommy Tickle has turned things around since taking over from Lampard.

Hopefully Alisson will be back, as having Adrian and Kabak as part of the team's spine does not fill me with confidence (one or the other but not both).

eng Lee
eng Canvey Pixels
eng Lee >> jueves marzo 4 - 23:16

Losing to Chelsea.......the season has hit a new low.

eng Lee
eng Canvey Pixels
eng Dragontao >> jueves marzo 4 - 23:37

I rather enjoyed it.

eng Dragontao
eng Colchester City #2
eng Lee >> viernes marzo 5 - 01:15

I think there are a lot of people taking great delight in watching our demise. From a team that was supposed to dominate for years, to one that can't even win at home.

Yes, we've suffered a ridiculous amount of injuries, and had to put midfielders in the back, but there has also been a widespread loss of form and our lack of depth in squad has been cruelly exposed.

As long as we finish top 4, and win the Champions League, then it won't be a complete disaster.

eng Lee
eng Canvey Pixels
eng holt >> viernes marzo 5 - 12:58

I don't have the slightest of doubts that the team will be able to perform much better if Klopp just switched up his tactics.The last time he did that was with the Jota-front four and the Robertson-TAA partnership before that.

Minamino seems to be performing well.

eng holt
in tAmi!_an >> sábado marzo 6 - 16:48

Well it's hard time for klop his bench was very poor and there was no competition among team for playing 11 because of that they have not much players who can step up and make difference

in tAmi!_an
eng holt >> domingo marzo 7 - 15:59, Editado domingo marzo 7 - 16:01

It doesn't matter if you play Shaq and Keita in the midfield if you're still doing to cross down the ______ right.Why is the game plan still to cross down the right??

It doesn't matter for me if the team finishes 12th this year as long as Klopp stays, the man won us the League.

eng holt
eng Lee >> domingo marzo 7 - 16:42

Drawing at home against West Brom a few weeks back is now looking like a good result!

It's laughable how ordinary the team has become, and I'm beginning to think the star players want Klopp out.

eng Lee
eng Canvey Pixels
eng holt >> domingo marzo 7 - 17:29

The only player who could by some stretch of imagination be called "bigger" than Klopp is Salah.

As far as I can see, VVD, Milner and Hendo would want him to stay.

eng holt
eng Lee >> domingo mayo 16 - 22:21

If the front 3 can't do it.....send up the keeper! Congratulations to Alisson for being the first keeper to score for Liverpool!

eng Lee
eng Canvey Pixels
ua Kalle >> martes mayo 18 - 07:46

It was a great header!

ua Kalle
nl PEC Zwolle
eng holt >> viernes mayo 21 - 06:45

Phillips a perfect mix of Agger and Skrtel.

eng holt
eng Lee >> domingo mayo 23 - 22:31

Considering how things looked a month or so ago, I think 3rd place is a great achievement.

eng Lee
eng Canvey Pixels
eng holt >> lunes octubre 25 - 03:20


eng holt