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Inglés >> Competiciones

Champions League Europe [Season 3] (95)

au Mr Legs >> miércoles julio 3 - 12:49
Well done Corniel, another nice close final.
au Mr Legs
nl Corniel >> miércoles julio 3 - 13:12
@Mr Kegs. Thanks! Your team did an equal nice job too!
nl Corniel
nl Anders_D >> miércoles julio 3 - 15:29
Congrats Corniel and Mr Legs with your victories!

my cinderella story had to end somewhere I guess. After going through the last qualifying round and a few defeats in the group stage, things looked pretty bad. I was very happy with surviving the group stages. Everything extra was a bonus, also because I was the underdog at most stages. I am very proud of my team :)

It's a bit disappointing that I missed out on qualifying for next year. There are two places instead of 4 last season. My team had a very shaky start in the competition. With less tickets available and tough competition, I have to be happy with fourth or fifth place and hope to still wreak havoc in the Euroleague next season ;)
nl Anders_D
nl FC Beawulf
il joest5 >> miércoles julio 3 - 16:02
Congrats Corniel, the man who started this post also smile at the end of the competition, a well deserved champion. Congrats also to Anders D for having a great run.
il joest5
eng Kezza >> miércoles julio 3 - 17:55
yep congratulations Corniel & Mr Legs
eng Kezza