Foro: Inglés rss-feed

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Inglés >> Preguntas

Staff members (2)

za Kaizer Motaung Jr >> domingo junio 27 - 16:17

Hi how do you see a player that he will be a good staff member , what do you look at?

za Kaizer Motaung Jr
cl La Unión
il Numpty >> domingo junio 27 - 17:23, Editado domingo junio 27 - 17:24

Starting skills are proportional to the total xp that they have earned over their career. 1 extra skill point for every 40,000 xp.

Staff talent is based on their age. The younger the better.  

A 30 year old with lots of experience will be very expensive, so if you want to pay a sensible amount then you have to find a compromise between getting them fairly young and having very good starting skills. You can't have both. 

There's no right or wrong approach here, personally I get most of mine in or around their mid 30s which gets them fairly young but their value has dropped to a sensible price.

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets