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Inglés >> Preguntas

Injuries of loaned players (4)

ee onuelver >> martes febrero 24 - 13:01
What affects more getting injuries of loaned players- loaner club's poor health center or owner's low health center?
ee onuelver
ee Puka City Strikes Back
hr Eddie >> martes febrero 24 - 14:37
There's an ongoing debate which HC affects those. In my opinion, it's owner's HC since he's the only one who can heal a loaned player when he's injured. Same goes for TC with training. And then TC-HC difference of owner should affect injury frequency/duration.
hr Eddie
ca Wilderbeast >> miércoles febrero 25 - 13:37, Editado miércoles febrero 25 - 13:39
Though some empirical evidence suggests otherwise, and it is the playing team's tactics and facilities the affects the injuries of all the coplayers on the field.

edit: not that i want to 2nd guess Eddie!

I'm really curious now too. Perhaps some noble Developer will reply and shed some light...
ca Wilderbeast
hr Eddie >> miércoles febrero 25 - 14:53
You're a Veteran of this forum, you have every right to 2nd guess me. :)
hr Eddie